Wednesday, November 01, 2023


Cold morning downtown. No walk.. Eeek! it's cold.  Got to warm up the blood, or at least a warmer jacket.  Stopped and got a couple of boxes of quick oatmeal that was on sale at the corner store.  

Picked up a Septa Story for M. 

Getting a big stress headache while working today.  

Lunch was good, however interrupted with Phone call.

Still stress headache... SoS meeting going long....  think going to later train.

Got another story from the Septa Story machine for M on the way home.

I think the SoS meeting is like a gas… it will expand to the limits of it's container.  If it was 2 hours it would expand to that time limit, with no increase in any real content. I never heard so many people who just want to talk to hear themselves. 

Home! Hoooray!   I just want to decompress.  I HAVE to get into another mindset. 

I just want to veg tonight.