Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Tuesday Halloween… going downtown.  Will do a walk from 30th. Pick up 1/2 n 1/2 on the way.

Did the walk got the creamer.  Having a coffee and bagel at my desk.

Chilly this morning. Need to make sure that the hose is off the faucet when I get home. It will colder tonight.

Great, just got an email we are on another program?!? We don't have the bandwidth to finish what we have.

Trying to get some LinkedIn Learning done today. 

Lunch was great.  Pork, stuffing and soup.

May have gotten @Paolino.net up and running... Needs more testing..

Have a major headache... taking some IB. Is it a headache or stress?

Got Paolino.net email working for me... Have to set it up for M.

Nice walk to station after work. When I got home M and I walked a couple of miles on the path.

Sunset is coming quick these days!  Going to be cold tonight. Outside water faucets are locked down for the winter.

Tomorrow I have a late meeting so I'm going to do elliptical after work.