Wednesday, November 08, 2023


 Tuesday, Election Day.   Staying home to go vote later on in the day.  A sign up the street said “ Had Enough? Vote Republicans!” I was a little ambivalent about voting until I saw that sign.  Not sure that is was the people who posted it wanted.  But for damn sure I’m going to vote and NOT for republicans. That mob is rotten from the head, and any body who considers themselves republicans should be embarrassed. 

Did the elliptical machine this morning. I feel really good after the workout.  I need to do a workout post work. 

I really need not to get stress out by the end of work.   I have to get into the right mindset.   I just get so aggravated by the end of the day I’m pretty useless. I have to get into a mindset to decompress to let everything go, to leave work at work.  

Coffee good this morning, K cup coffee with a shot of espresso.  It works wonders, brings the dead back to life!  

I have a color Hue bulb on my desk, ready to change the one over the fire place. I'll try to do that this weekend.    

Warm outside today. Window open in the office.  Ugh, have to restart my laptop for updates… 

Always a crapshoot… 

Waked over to the school and voted.  Glad to do my civic duty.  If you don't vote then you have no right to complain. I like complaining!  

Got a stress headache again after work..  

Just relaxed after work… bed early.