Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Monday Y'all !  Late yesterday a light blub went off when M and I were discussing next weeks plans. I remembered that I had made car appointments next two Fridays.  I have to get the snow tires mounted on the cars. Bolt first then Tesla. What a dope!  I had to tell Mike that the Battleship museum visit would be delayed. Dec 15 is our next attempt.  

Buckwheat and oats experiment turned out extremely well. M like the hot cereal. The oats made it less thick as well as the extra cup of water. 

Did 45 minutes on the elliptical while streaming Star Trek - Enterprise. It's a good distraction while sweating

While working I saw a blue heron come gliding in over my front lawn and land on it. I called M over to check it out and we wondered why it landed here.  It started walking slowly at first then gathered speed to east side of the house, There is stopped ( cue Mission Impossible Theme ) and was peering over to the neighbors house. The house with the koi pond in the back yard! It slowly crept behind the cars then used the bushes for cover until it back to the pond. I swear it was licking it's chops looking into the pond with the unprotected koi.  It was intent on finding the right spot to pounce when all of a sudden it turned, I think it said "Drat" and flew away. Maybe the dog next door Chloe put her nose on the window.