Sunday, November 26, 2023


 Saturday. Slept like a bear tonight had a good 8 and a half hours. 

Made oatmeal and cranberries. Going to workout later today, I’m a bit groggy yet. 

Mike is coming over for coffee this morning and John will be coming later today to get the USB cables. 

Working on checking which battery will be able to charge the Mac on the road for Christmas.  Might do some blogging and surfing at Mom’s house so want to be prepared when the batteries get low.  Will have a battery for the Mac and the iPhone and iPad depending where we are. 

Tomorrow I will go to Home Depot to drop off batteries and get the antifreeze for the pressure washer.  I also need to check for MontCo e-wast drop off. I got a real mess of stuff ready to drop off. I will have to pull a few hard drives from computers and will be able to set them up as usb drives or small NAS drive. 

Mike came over in the morning. Looks like the ring doorbell was not working. Going to have to see what is going on with that. I made Mike my Cuban coffee with the hand whipper. I had one too. I came out great! M, Mike and I had a good discussion that range from coffee to reading. Mike and I discussed going to the battleship NJ next Friday, with or without Chris. Mike and I went to Costco. I was worried about crowds on black Friday weekend. We got a good space and there was not too many people in the store. I've seen more people there getting snacks for the Eagles games. We got in and out pretty efficiently.  In the parking lot I noticed a text from . John had arrived at the house. Talked to Mike about taking a long weekend and the four of us going to Dayton Ohio to see the Air Force Museum. Was back there in 5 min. Got some stuff back in the house and Mike took his groceries to the car.  Mike then left with the task of getting in touch with Chris.  John and I discussed his nav lights for the plane. He got a broken charger too. I'm going to send him a link for the older model of light that has a smaller and better charger.  Took John to see the basement workshop. I think he was impressed. We discussed the state of the jet and he had received the large Cessna model. I can't wait to see that.  Next weekend will be bad for flying as it's now going to rain. 

M went to the bookshop in Doylestown. She came back with a small armful of books. I got some rolls for lunch. With the thanksgiving leftovers I made a version of the Wawa turkey gobbler. Turkey, stuffing, cranberry with a touch of may on the roll and warm turkey gravy over the top, but not so much that anything oozes out. 

My battery experiment with the Mac recharging went well. It successful charged the Mac and the phone. 

The FireTv stick won't come until Monday. Boo Hiss. 

We made popcorn with cheese and Philly Grit. Came out well, not too salty. The cheese gives you orange fingers. Watched a couple of mysteries.