Saturday, November 25, 2023


Black Friday.  Barely slept. Up at 2 am.  Gave up trying to sleep at 4:30. Got dressed and went to the basement to use the treadmill. 

A couple of things doing today. Have to do laundry. Have to take apart bed so that we can vacuum under it. Have to get some USB cables for John ready. Lastly, have to get planes and battery packs ready for an indoor fly next week. I haven't been with the BCRC guys in a while and I want to make an effort to get out there on a Friday night.  It's late as it starts at 9 or 10 pm but what the heck am I going to do? Sleep? I'm not doing that for a while!  

We vacuumed under the bed and most of the reset of the bedroom furniture. Bedroom looks nice and clean.  

Made lunch, a bunch of turkey day leftovers. It was still so good! Sliced the turkey very thin. 

Everything just caught up with me fell asleep for an hour on the couch.  

Went to the basement and got the planes and chargers ready for indoor fly. The OMP heli needed some very light repair but all else was good. Cleaned up in the basement and took out the Avanti Jet carcass. Looked at all the crashed bits and the new bit I got to repair it. I wanted to fix the crashed bits but it was getting me depressed when I was working on it. So I decided to just replace the crashed bits with ones. I have all the parts. The hard job is stripping parts off the crashed bits and transferring them to the new parts. Did about an hour of removing working servos and wiring. Another hour I'll have all the good parts out and will have to clean them up and get them ready to start to go into the jet. 

Made some rice and tofu bowls for dinner.

Streamed some mysteries. 

FireTV remote died on us. What a pain! At least there was a Black Friday sale going for the FireTV sticks.