Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Monday.  Good Weekend.  

Friday we got the snow tires mounted on the car. M and I went to Pumperknicks for breakfast. 

Saturday I went to the flying field. I broke the wing mount on the cub putting it together.  I would have come apart in the air that would have been bad. Otherwise a nice day flying with John. 

Saturday night M and I went to Kathleen and Kevin's Christmas Party.  Very good time met a lot of new people and lots of holiday food!  Hey Mad Dog, your cheese cake was excellent!!!  We had a really good time even though we were out way past our bed time. 

Sunday rainy day.  Hit the elliptical and then just relaxed around the house. Fixed the cub, it's much stronger now. Had to rip some 1/4 inch strips of wood on the mini table saw which was fun. M made cookies. I had to check to see if they were any good. Took 3 cookies before I could make a decision! 

Monday, now I'm trying to catch up on work. Have to get the work done and the team prepped for a couple of week downtime.