Monday, January 08, 2024


Snow then rain yesterday.  Left a coating on the ground.  

Found that I have 2 GFCI outlets in the bathroom / coffee machine circuit. Only one was tripped and I did not know it was there. It knocked out the espresso machine and just that outlet.  Found and reset.  Cleaned the machine and changed the water filter while I had it out if it's home.  Espresso emergency officially over. 

M second Covid test is negative!!!  Hooray!  'Rona has left the building

Did some arranging on the office desktop. Cleared off a bunch of junk there and set up a two monitor system on the Mac. It looks good and it's easy to work on.

Yesterday we made a couple of bottles of vanilla extract.  Vanilla beans in bourbon and vodka.  M and I decided to make some up for gifts next year.  Got some 4oz bottles and more. Vanilla Beans.  We are going to try to make orange extract too tomorrow. Washed some oranges to get the wax off them and we'll zest them before juicing them and do the clear bourbon to do the extraction.