Saturday, June 02, 2007

I can finaly exhale.......

Well, Mom is finally safely in an assisted living setting. She came out of the rehab unit yesterday. After doing much research and lots and lots of inward retrospection we found a nice place for mom. It is the best suited for her and a place she could be safe and looked after.

Getting her ready was pretty rough as she never spent time out of her house. When she traveled she spend time with relatives and any other time she spent out of the house it was to go to the hospital. getting her ready to go was like sending a kid to camp for the first time. Right down to putting her name in all her clothes.

When she finally got there she was have a ball an enjoying her self and talking to all the residents. She found the place nice and was getting along. The staff then shooed me out so she could find her own way.

I guess the camp analogy worked well as I got a phone call from her asking me to take her home. I tried to reassure her but I'm not sure if I did. It's be a awhile before she will get used to the place.