Sunday, June 17, 2007

Boat weekend.

Marilyn and I went to Rock Hall this weekend. We took down the sails, navigation equipment and sheets and blankets. Marilyn cleaned up and removed a big old mud wasp nest and e installed the Bimini cover and the jib. We put new equipment on the main sail so that it would drop easier when we loosened it but I forgot the sun cover for the main sail so we did not put it on the boat. The weather was just great down there 77 and breezy. We took some time just to enjoy the weather.

Sunday we walked to the new Java Rock cafe for a cup of coffee and tea. Then we helped Philip climb his mast. He has to change a wind instrument and was determined to climb the 55 feet to the top of the mast. I was there for safety but I was just going to watch him fall as there is not much I could have done if he started to fall. He fixed the instrument came on down. Much to our relief. We then varnished the main hatch cover on our boat and got ready to go home. It was starting to get warm out. We'll get out of the slip next weekend.