Tuesday, February 06, 2024


Good morning workout.  Did stepper for 45 min.  

Egg rings were just garbage. Leaked egg out the bottom and burned them before the eqq was solid. I used them and I'm going to return them, that's how unhappy I am. Bought a pan with little egg wells in it, that should do it. 

Made chicken for lunch. The foil half steamer tray pan works great in the toaster oven. Made 4 breasts of chicken for a few meals.  

Worked with M to help her with her stories. I don't know I hope I gave her some good advice. Sounded goo at the time. 

Board arrived from PCBWay. It looks good! I can't wait to build it up with parts. 

Moved some computers from my desk, they were getting hot in the sunshine and the fans were blowing loudly. Put them on the server rack.  I really have to tear down that server rack and redo all the wiring. What a rats nest. I have to figure what to do with all the IoT devices though.  First need to take inventory.  I'll put that in the list of getting a plumber, installing the garage door opener, installing the celling fan, and redoing M closet.  The closet is job one!!!