Sunday, February 04, 2024


Saturday, looking in the McMaster Carr package found the clevis pins are in a package of 1 not 25 and they are $4.50 a piece! Yikes.

Mike got his car bashed in at the train station last night right while he was there! The asshat drove off to boot. 

Went to the leather shop to pick up my jacket with a new zipper and the guy is in the hospital with COVID. So he hasn't got to it. 

John coming over today I asked him to bring the clevis pin again.

John was suppose to come by and did not. Hope everything is ok.

Download AutoDesk Fusion 360 for the Mac.  Going to give it a whirl to see if I can learn how to use it.

Made popcorn and watched Mr & Mrs Smith on streaming last night.  It was different, not sure but it left a lot of unanswered questions and seems like it is dragging us into watching it.