Saturday, February 17, 2007


We went to the Plays and Players theater last night to see Nerds a Musical Software Satire. It was Ok. Let me explain. It was kind of like the saying when Joe Kennedy was getting stock tips from his shoe shine boy in 1929 he knew it was time to get out of the market.

Before the play started there was this guy behind me that was just blathering on about PC's, Macs, Windows, Office and other things software and hardware. With all the authority of a Saturday afternoon living room coach. But this was not the only conversation I heard about three!

Then I really tried not to listen. It must have been all the glitter painted pc's on the walls as decoration that stired up all this computer nonsense.

But anyway the play was a fun little number. It depiced the early life of Bill Gates/Paul Allen and Steve Jobs/Steve Woz. And it's a musical. What more can be said. The play has the themes of success, failure an redemption. But in Bill Gates place it's only success, success and more success. It plays a little like an old worn Apple ad. Microsoft bad Apple cool. And the jokes about nerdy guys not being able to get dates is tiresome. But on the whole it was a fun play and a great night out.

BTW go see it and leave the laptop at home.