Friday, February 09, 2007

Could ya turn off the snow..... PLEASE!!!!!

I've been geeting snow condition e-mails from Hugh Quinn at Salmon Hills for a while. This year has been plagued by late openings beacause of warm temps and dry conditions. I found this in my in box today:

Well if you have been listening to any of the local or even national news this week you know that we have been getting hammered with lake effect snow. I measure snow just once a day so if anything my totals are low and I've come up with almost 70 inches of snow so far in the last week. The news tonight said north redfield had received 111 inches, mexico and parish around 101 inches. My guess is that we are up somewhere between the amount I have recorded and the 100 inch plus totals. Not that it makes much difference - the packed snow depths on the trails are between 3 and 4 foot. unpacked areas have considerably higher measurements.

Temperatures for the weekend look good with highs of 24 for saturday and sunday. Lake effect is supposed to be around until monday so you want to pay attention to wind directions. Saturday looks like we will be under a westerly wind where we might get hit. Sunday looks like a southwest wind where the snow should go north of us. I have seen a lot of lake effect storms over the years, the worst was when we got 100 inches plus in a 3 day stretch a few years back when montague got hit so hard. But even that year it was a fairly limited area that got hit real hard. This year a large area got hit. I currently have a request into wsyr9 to see if they have any computer models that could estimate the tonage of all the snow that has fallen. So far no reply, but everybody is busy with the snow.

we will be open, everything has been packed and all my gas cans are full so we will pack as hard as we can for the weekend. oh yeah - maybe back off on the THINK SNOW for a couple of days.

Osceola Tug Hill XC