Monday, October 27, 2008

Major weekend wrapup....

Sorry for no updates. It's been a crazy weekend. Marilyn, Meg and I went out to the 1812 production. " This is the Week That Is" the election special. With this election it just gave them a target rich environment. No politicians were save from the barbs and jabs that were lobed at them. The 2008 Presidential Election Beauty Pagent was a scream.

On Saturday we meet Marj and Roy down at the boat. They were helping us put the boat to bed for the winter. Saturday the wind was screaming at 40 knots and the rain was going sideways. We got all of the inside work for the winter done. It calmed down enough for us to go to the Harbor Shack and have the last crab cakes of the season. Sunday it was beautiful! 60 degrees sunny and no wind. We dropped the sails and the rest of the canvas. I finished the temporary structure for the solar panel. The we packed up and went home.

At home we unpacked the car and then I packed my bags again for San Leandro. I have a week long course here for tech support. It's a little cool here in San Francisco and I did not bring a jacket.