Sunday, January 27, 2008

Snow tires

Got the snow tires on both cars this weekend. This will ensure that we will get no more snow this winter. The ski trip to Garnet will be in two weeks so we'll get some use out of them then.
Yesterday I ripped all the cd's that we got for Christmas onto out hard disk. We now can enjoy our new music on iTunes and out IPods.
Today I have to fix the lamp in the living room it has been defying my attempt to rebuilt it and put in a compact florescent bulb. So far it's taken 3 trips to Home Depot to get the right parts for it. I will win this battle!
I've pretty much mastered the little indoor helicopter that I've been fooling around with. Saturday I bought a new ( actually used ) model helicopter. This one is big enough to fly outside. Crashville awaits. I have to check on Adrik today I bought him a model helicopter for his birthday.