Friday, January 19, 2007

Weekend Update.

Did it look like I've been away for a long time? Not much going on here but going to work, coming home and relaxing.

Marilyn went to a knitting class yesterday. She'll tell me more tonight.

Weekend plans, we have to go get a present for Stacey this weekend. We have been planning to go to this place for a while and it is a good excuse to go. The package will fly courtesy of UPS.

The Christmas tree must come down this weekend. I think there is a law that a Christmas decorations must come down before the end of January. It still cheery to look at it but the spirit is gone.

We had an dusting of snow this morning. Someone said that getting and inch of snow is like winning a dollar in the feels good but it doesn't amount to much! ( thanks Meg! ) Which segues into my next item. We won $7 on the Powerball!!!! A win is a win!

That's all for now!