Sunday, January 14, 2007

Towels and a place to put them.

I decided on putting up a cabinet and shelves to hold the towels that we just bought in the bathroom. We got the cabinet yesterday, today shelves and tools.

I needed a small table saw to cut the shelves I would use it this summer to fix the deck so off to Home Depot to find it. They had all the shelf stuff so I get that. The table saw was too small for what I needed. Then a stop at Lowe's. I don't know why I stop at Lowe's. If something you need is on the shelf then OK. If you have to ask a question then watch out. ".... I would like this saw please." "Can't find it. Computer not working. Don't know when it will be in. Or if we get them in at all." "....Can I buy this one?" "No this is not for sale." "...Why is it here? Nevermind!" Went to the other Lowe's. Same exchange. Sheesh! Ended up at Sears and just picked it up!

Got home with all the goods and we put up the cabinet with some effort but we got it up square and sturdy on the wall. Then cut two shelfs and monted them. The next two were too wide so I was going to exchange them and try next weekend to put them up.

All and all a positive weekend.