Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

Well here we are at the begining of the new year! 2007! Here's to looking forward to a great and happy new year.

Marilyn and I celebrated at home. Just too much trouble dodging drunk drivers! We had king crab legs for dinner. Each leg weighed more than a pound! I'd really hate to come across on of those guys in the wild. With 8 legs claws and a body they have to be 20 to 25 pounds! yikes! But they were tasty with garlic butter!

Overheard at the local garage. ".... you know with the year 2000 all we were looking forward to computers stopping, no electricity, planes falling out of the sky. Times were simpler then."

By the way.... In the 60's and 70's how many times would you hear a sentence that would start with "By the year 2000......".

Enjoy your New Year!!!!!