Adrik got his skateboard and it seems to be a hit!
But there seems to be an unforseen sideffect.
Sofie the cat seems to have appropriated the skatebaord and has started to shred around the house.

Now the cat is starting to shred with her friends!!

Must be changed, for the same reasons.
Hang in there kid....
...Thats enough to make me cry too!
The bread is done. It's pretty good. Kind of a ciabatta loaf, shiny crust and lots of holes to gather olive oil! The dough was a little too wet compared to the video on the NY Times article but I'll try again next week.
Took Marilyn out for another lesson on Sunday. She got out of first gear! So now she is going around the parking lot in circles shifting from first to second and back to first. Now it going to be just practice, practice, paractice. More starts, more circles, more manuvers, until it becomes automatic and she can do all the driving without thinking.
Tried to send a picture from the parking lot to live blog the event but the phone could not send the picture. So an old picture will have to do.