Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Caliber miss the mark

My car is in the body shop getting the rash rubbed out. I got a rental for the duration from Enterprise. It's a Dodge Caliber. What you never heard of a Caliber. Well neither did I. With luck neither will you. It looks like a cross between a Neon and a SUV. It has the worst of both worlds. On the outside the paint is dull and looks like it will not last. It's small, the doors are narrow so the front and back doors are hard to get into. Once inside you have a vista of cheap ill fitting interior. The doors close with a tinny sound. The engine buzzes while the transmission hunts to find a gear. On the plus side it has lighted cupholders! It's the kinda of car that will last as long as the payments. Tip: stay away from the long term loan! It's not a cheap shot to say that this is the kind of car that made the big three what they are today. Together the off target styling, cheap materials and slipshod manufacture this Caliber is just firing blanks.