Sunday, February 03, 2008


Tuesday night Marilyn and I went out the see the Philadephia Theater Company performance of M Butterfly. First we has dinner at Nodding Head. The food there was good, too good. After having dinner both of us just wanted to go too sleep. I think it is just a lack of sleep not carbo loading. Not a great start for seeing a play. And the last time I went to this theater it was a musical review which I find is not my favorite. But we settled into our seats which were more comfortable than last time. There was no iron railing sticking me in the leg. The sets for the play were interesting, very elborate staging. This is a departure from when the company was in the smaller playhouse. The play was good it is your typical boy meets girl, girl is boy play. It was well acted but it was a little long. 2 hours and 45 minutes. We left during the intermission good thing too if we staryed we would have been home after midnight. We could have turned into pumpkins!