Well you haven't heard from me for a few days, I've been busy. The downstairs toilet flush handle broke.
No problem, Run to Lowes for parts. Fixed the toilet handle.
That's great.....Hey what's this leak??? The bolts that hold the tank are now leaking.
No problem. Run to Lowes for parts. Hmmm these don't fit!
No problem. Run to Lowes for more parts.
Hmmm, they don't have smaller bolts.
No problem. Run to Home Depot for parts.
Hmmmm, they don't have smaller bolts either. They don't make the tank bolts smaller.
Hmmm. Ok run back home. One bolts fits one dosen't. Ok now the moment of truth make the hole bigger.
Get the drill and try to drill the ceramic tank. ( Drilling....Sweating...Drilling... Sweating..... )
Great! The hole is bigger and the tank did not break!
Fix it up, put it together, fill it up.....DARN IT LEAKS!!!
Take it apart....Tighten bolts.....
and IT"S FIXED !!! ( Exhale ! )
No problem .... It just took all day!