Sunday, August 19, 2007

AAA anyone?

The day started off badly. Traffic with 95 south closed for construction so we took a detour. Middletown De was blocked off for a festival. We had to backtrack. We were late pushing off from the dock. But we we moving toward the Magothy River. It was a good ride we were motor sailing ( motoring with a sail up ) in order to see if we could catch a breeze. About 3 miles form the Baltimore light the engine stopped. Just like you shut it off. The a burning smell. Uh Oh! We turned off the master electrical switch and called tow boat us on the cellular. They came about an hour later and towed us back across the bay to our dock. Total cost $0! Having the towing coverage is great. It would have been a $680 towing bill otherwise. Turns out we burned up a electronic ignition module. Fix it next week.......