After all the blob scare we went down to the boat to relax. We anchored in Swan creek and I jumped in the water to try out my new snorkeling equipment. I bought it so that I could clean the the bottom of the boat better. I also tried a suggestion that the prop manufacturer gave me. I had to take a zinc off the bottom of the boat using the snorkeling gear. It worked ok and I didn't drown which is all good! We'll see in a few weeks about the prop.
Afterword we relaxed in the creek listening to the radio and reading. I think that's what Marilyn was doing holding the book with her eyes closed.

When we got back to the dock our neighbor Phil mentioned.. " You know who Marilyn looks like??" " No Who?" "Meryl Streep"
Well that's not the first time that we heard this.

Hmm... What do you think?