Wednesday, July 05, 2006

July 4 Recap

Wow What a weekend!
Marj & Roy came down to Rock Hall. We had a blast. Started on Friday night, this made the weekend longer. We got out early onto the bay. Winds were great at 15 knots from the south. We sailed west and the boat worked out great. The sail twist and traveler method worked like a charm. Not to much heeling and in control. Went to Tolchester on Sunday. The debris from the flooding was unbelievable. The breakwater they had down there was totaly clogged. No boats in or out. We enjoyed cooling off at the pool until the "doodie" incident. On Monday Marilyn and I went to Anapolis to see a double feature, Over the Hedge and Cars. The Rock Hall fireworks were spectacular as always, as was the annual Spring Cove tooting of the horns. We packed up and went home Tuesday the 4th and stopped at the roadside nursery to pickup spike plants and corn on the cob. We left no 4th of July tradition undone!