Thursday, April 11, 2024


 Miss me?  Sorry been busy and really not in any interesting way.   The special project was Mike's Birthday present. A bottle of Bourbon laser etched and in a custom box.  Made sign for Hilltop bookstore.  

 Work, still a drag.  Mostly trying to get by.  They are trying to make things my problem and I do believe the problem is theirs.  Which is who will replace me.  After I leave it will not be my problem.   Still have a ways to go yet. 

I still see about a 1K views from the other side of the world.  Hong Kong, China and others.   Really would like to know who downloads my blog from there?

Work completed. At least I won't have to go in for a couple of weeks …. Win!   I also made an executive decision that we would skip Thursdays. Let's see how long that lasts. 

Too tired to work on the plane tonight.   Just going to veg out. Now you can see why you have not seen me for a few days…..