Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Long week.

Why does a week seem longer when you had days off the week before?

Since M was traveling this week we went to the gym both Saturday and Sunday. This may have been my undoing this week. I'm completely exhausted. You really need those days off to recoupe. 5:30am gym sessions are getting to be no fun! Well two more this week then rest. ( Yahoo! )

I put Windows 7 on one of the computers. That was a pain in the fanny! It took Soooo long, and I messed up the activation numbers. Also, I went flying this Sunday. Luckily no crashes and I and fly my plane again maybe next year.

M got back last night. Delayed planes and all.. Well no gym for her this morning. Then she had to work from home....her building had no water. Didn't find that little nugget out till she got down there.

I did some more Xmas shopping last night. Going to Costco for the last of the stuff for the kids. The Hess trucks have been secured!