Friday, October 16, 2009

Theater Night!

Meg, Marilyn and I went up to the Black Sheep to have dinner and drinks. The food there is great and Black and Tans there super. The highlight of dinner was hard pear cider from California Cider Co.

After dinner we went to Plays and Players theater to see the 1812 Production's "The First Day of School,A Soccermom Sex Farce". It a comedy about a couple who drops off their kids for the first day at school and realising that they have the rest of the day off and they ask themselves the question "What are we going to to do today? Movies.. Home Repair.. Sex with other people.. Biking... Sex with other people!!!!! It's just a scream as they bring in other Soccer Moms and Dads and the questions and consequences of it all.

So don't be just standing under the basket yelling " I'm Open I'm Open " just go before October 25th