Saturday, December 28, 2024


Coffee in Columbia Mo today.  Artistic not bitter, warm basement vibe, well it is a basement.

Bookstores and coffee tour of Columbia.  Found cooks illustrated that had great recipes in it.  

Neat street art in town.  

Lunch with Jay an Stacey at bbq place today. Great lunch and being with family is great. 

Vinyl record store in Columbia was awesome. Can say how many records we tossed in the years. They were all there and then some.  No room in our house to have a vinyl record player.  

Toured the new house that J and S are building. Very nice very spacious.  Little hard to envision as I have a tough time seeing house furnishing. 

Spent most of the evening resting. 

Friday, December 27, 2024


Christmas trip.  Going well. M has a cold again.  Exercise equipment has a broken shelf for holding phone so can’t watch a movie.   Christmas Day went well. Lots of happy faces. Sausage roll snafus but they were there for the big day but disappeared as leftovers were taken home.   

Got a plan of attack for the wing design.  I’ll go full bore on it when I get home. Got lots to do. Finish cut files, make gift for Adrik and Stacey, cut parts for fuse again, cut main fuse parts assemble tail, assemble fuse.  Put Tucano together.  Put away stuff for the season.  Lot’s to keep busy with.

  Stressing about work. 5 days a week for the foreseeable future. Ugh. 

Have to remember to bring instant oatmeal for breakfast on trips.  Eggs and bacon are great but I start feeling sluggish after a couple of days.  Also, I long for our homemade soups and food at home. Bean withdrawal? I have designs on making bean with kale soup when we get home.  M feels the same. 

M feeling clogged. Me? Well think I just have morning stuffiness and not much more.   

The Tesla was gobbling down the electrons on the trip out snow and a 25mph headwind did not help.  Going home should be better.  Tailwind anybody?

Home internet crapped out.  Needed a reboot. Mike tried but it did not work.  A power down and up “Should” fix it.  Going to try Keep Connect device when I get home if the issue is just a power down and up..

Went to Planet Fitness once while out here.  Wanted to do more. M not feeling good so I did not want to run myself down and get sick/feel awful.  If I get the reader shelf I ordered today maybe I’ll jump on the machines for an hour and get in a good sweat. 


Working from Home.  Elliptical this morning, took a bit out of me, not too bad however. Going to PF when Ana comes to clean.

Getting a load of batteries ready to go to Home Depot for recycling.  Have to get rid of a bunch of dead lithium batteries. 


Monday starting off bad. Lots of pings to support cases and a CSM being indignant about his case.  Told him he's not the only game in town. 

I told M about some nuts I was going to get her and she Oh I can make that, I said I was going to get it for you, Oh I can make that.   Sorry that ticked me off… 

Going to eye Dr today. Have to see why glasses not working right. 


Sunday made breakfast. Was being computer tech. Got a printer working, transferred stuff to M’s new iPad, got her password manager working.  A full day already. 

Not going flying today.  Maybe bring the bike to the bike shop later.  

Got a appt to see the eye dr again as I cant see out of right eye well in the new glasses.  Seems like my eyes are squishy and not reliable when finding a prescription. 

I might work on the plane plans today. I not going to count on that fact. 

Got the bike to the shop in Lansdale. I'm hoping it's done in a couple of days. 

Got to PF today too.. The workout was great, it felt really good. 


One more trip to the bank to adjust the account for the debit card. No workout this morning. Going later today to PF.  

Mike and I will try to fix the fat tire e-bike.   Swap out the motor and leave the rest for this winter. 

Have to check why the back brake is squishy.

Got all the bank accounts straightened out.  Now I have to start to move stuff over… What a pain.

Felt chilly all day. Achey at night. Must have been a reaction to the Vax yesterday.  Really did nothing today.


Vacation day Friday!  I love taking Fridays off.  Got an elliptical work out done and it felt pretty good.  Want to try to get a work out later today,  IPad cam and setting it up.  It's going to take a while.  Keyboard coming later today.  M walking with Karin this morning. Hope she is up for steps later.  

Moved our accounts over to a new bank.  Our old one was starting to get expensive.  So done and done. 

Got in a mike on the path too.  Good day.


Working from home.  Did workouts so far this week. At least 45 min total per day.  This morning my iPad has been running out of battery quickly.  That old ipad has been useless for a long time not able to surf the web or do very much of anything. Last year  this time I was thinking of replacing it but it was good for streaming while on the machines downstairs and doing some journaling.  The battery has done it. It's got to be replaced so I can exercise this winter.  

Work stressing again today, good that day off tomorrow. For work yet another bug found and more delays.   I'm gonna get pounded. 

Ordered iPad. Will be here tomorrow. At least I'll be able to stream videos.