Friday, May 03, 2024


Saturday in Greeley CO.  Wedding day for Katherine ( Katie ) and Steven.  Wedding was a nice Catholic church in Windsor CO.  Two things were off, I brought the wrong shirts and my shoe were squeezing me!  Shirts worked out, I kicked off the shoes after the ceremony.  We took Mary, who is a friend of Katie to the ceremony. Katie used to board Scout, her horse, at Mary's stables. Mary was fun to talk to, Lot of stories. 

Reception was at the Atlas Theater in Greeley.  It was a super time. Lots of fun, lots of music, lots of dancing. 



Friday in Greeley CO.  When we arrived at the hotel they had a definite scent of vanilla in the lobby. I was wondering why it was so strong.  Now I know. Greeley in kinda know for it's…. Ummm how should I put this….. Aroma.  Not far outside Greeley are feed lots and beef processing. When the wind is from the northeast it bring two things, snow and a pungent essence of beef farming. 

We went downtown and had breakfast at Doug's Diner.  It had biscuits that were as big as your head! We took pictures of the downtown in the snow. 

Then we went to the Midnight Oil bookstore.  A really friendly used bookstore in town. M was shopping and searching through the stacks.  

I noticed some Bambu Labs 3D printers working on stuff. I asked the owner and he makes some 3D dragons and other articulated toys for the kids. 

He then mentioned the local library, that they had a maker space. Hmmm. 

The LINC library had an innovation center.  In addition to the usual library stacks and computer stations, they had a makers space. We caught up with David Turner the head of the innovation center and he showed us around. They had 3D printers, laser cutters, UV printers, vinyl cutters and that was only one room! They had a room of looms and sewing machines, a full woodshop and a broadcast center. All of which are available to the community to use! Wow. What a cool resource for the local population.  Imagine a young person going in there and getting a taste of working with that equipment. That could be a life changing encounter. 


Sleep was hard last night. Hot, Cold, Hot…. Maybe I'll set the temp really low and see if we can just be under and keep comfy.

Light snow this morning.  Workout in the gym at the hotel.  Elliptical did not have a shelf  for devices. Think we'll go to Doug's Diner for breakfast this morning. 

Doug's was awesome for breakfast. Have to do that again. 

We walked back to the hotel and met Karen and Gary. We dropped off the jeep for charging and we picked up Karen a Gary and went to the Greeley Historical Museum. That was a good time, It's cold and raw outside and it was way better than being outside. My knees were grumbling at me and we walked back to the hotel. Karen and Gary have to go pick people up at the airport we are going to pick up the car, see Katie and Steven, then go out to a late lunch. 


Off to Denver today! Actually Greeley Co.  Early start to the airport. We have two first class tickets, Hooray! Had breakfast at the airport,  Flight was crowded but we had comfy seats and got on first thing,  Flight was mostly smooth and I got some sleep.  M had a charcutier plate. Prosciutto and pineapple is the bomb. Rented a hybrid jeep. What a pain in the ass to charge. You think it would be easy, but nope. 

Battery for the Nikon died.  Good thing I brought another. 

Monday, April 15, 2024


Sunday.  Better weather for today. Going to do a walk later today. Try my new sneakers. See if they strangle my toes.   

Did the port and starboard sides for the model today. Now have to work on the top side. A couple of more weeks and I can start cutting parts. 

Went to poetry ready this afternoon. Marilyn was reading her poem which was published in Pennsylvania Bards Eastern PA Poetry Review 2024.  

The reading was well attended and there were a bunch of  readers.  I felt a little out of place with all the poets in attendance.  I inflict my literary ignorance on you dear reader and no one else.  M read her poem well and felt real good about it and I was so proud to see her do it.  

Sunday, April 14, 2024


Cold windy day. Wanting to go out but to stinking raw.  Anyway me and M are just low energy today.  After taking Mike and Gail home last night we got in after midnight. Thankfully the traffic  was not as bad as it was going to the city.  We spent the day napping and doing some work around the house. I made some business cards for myself and did more work on the plane model. 


Finally Friday.  Getting last birthday presents for M. I'm hope she'll like them all. A bunch of little things. 

Went to Dinner with friends in south Philly.  My gods! The traffic was horrible. I really love my friends but I was just about to give up and go home an hour into traffic.  Getting there was not fun. It turned around as there was parking to be had the weather was not terrible. 

Dinner was very nice. Great company. I knocked over a tray of drinks being served. Pasta was divine.  It was a great night.